The Cat In The Hat Ticketed For The Can: N.J. Mob Capo Gets Dime Piece In Attempted Murder Case
New Jersey mafia captain Charles (Charlie the Hat) Stango was sentenced this week to 10 years in federal prison for...
New Jersey mafia captain Charles (Charlie the Hat) Stango was sentenced this week to 10 years in federal prison for...
Infamous Chicago mafia hit man Charles (Chuckie the Typewriter) Nicoletti was slain 40 years ago this week in a suburban...
Chicago mob power Louis (Louie Tomatoes) Marino had a brief taste of freedom in his latter years and is now...
Notorious Detroit hit man and cowboy-style drug gang lieutenant Lamont (L-Boogie) Paris didn’t let his fugitive status affect his ability to...
Forty three years ago deceased Detroit mafia middleman and longtime labor-union troubleshooter Leonard (Little Lenny) Schultz was probably involved in the Harvey Leach murder...