The Scarfo-Riccobene War Timeline: Philly Mob Blood Feud Brewed In Early Years Of Little Nicky’s Reign
After taking power in 1981, bloodthirsty Philadelphia mafia boss Nicodemo (Little Nicky) Scarfo went to war with the rogue Riccobene...
After taking power in 1981, bloodthirsty Philadelphia mafia boss Nicodemo (Little Nicky) Scarfo went to war with the rogue Riccobene...
According to sources in law enforcement, Philadelphia mob skipper Phil Narducci did himself in back in the fall when he...
Aaron (A.J.) Jones founded the Philadelphia Junior Black Mafia in 1985. As a young boy in the 1970s, Jones had...
The second time historic east coast mafia dons John Gotti and Nicodemo (Little Nicky) Scarfo met face to face it...
The young buck on his hip could be joining Philadelphia mob boss Joseph (Skinny Joey) Merlino in prison. Peter Tuccio, the 25-year...